Packing Stand and Tree Rack for Blinds and Shades
Any blind and shade manufacturer can benefit from the use of a packing stand and a tree rack. The combination of both only furthers efficiency and overall production. The packing stand has four packing sizes and is used for a variety of shades and blinds. The compact construction allows for a fast cut on any dimension needed. The pull-out drawer makes loading a spool easier and there is protection for excessive spool unrolling.
The tree rack is a versatile piece of blind and shade equipment that can make the production and post-production process easier for the blind and shade operator. The rack is able to store blinds, shades, metal, or anything that needs to be stored. The wheels allow the rack to be mobile and move the items on the rack to the next stage of production without extra hassle.
If you are looking to purchase the packing stand or the tree rack, please email!